Ear Health
Ear Assessment and Wax Removal
Micro suction is used by our Nurses to carefully remove earwax
Earwax is naturally produced to protect the inside of the ear from water and infection. Earwax normally moves slowly from the inside to the outside of the ear, where it falls out.
If wax is not causing problems, it should be left alone.
A build-up of ear wax may cause a range of symptoms that include
ear discomfort
itching and/or pain
a feeling of blocking or fullness
a ringing, humming or buzzing (tinnitus)
dizziness (vertigo) and hearing difficulties.
If any are experiencing any of these symptoms, treatment is recommended.
For simple wax removal, please contact us to book a ear micro suction appointment with one of our specially trained nurses.
Cost: $60
We may also recommend the use of ear drops or olive oil to soften ear wax prior to appointment, please discuss this at time of booking.
Using cotton buds or ear candles to attempt to remove the wax at home is not recommended. Wax is often pushed deeper into the canal and your ear drum or ear canal may be injured.
Hearing loss
Hearing loss is very common and impacts on both our emotional and physical health.
If you answer YES to one or more of the following, please make an appointment with you doctor
New-born (Birth to 6 months)
Does not startle, move, or cry to loud unexpected sounds
Does not awaken to loud noises
Cannot be soothed by voice alone
Does not turn his/her head in the direction of your voice by 4-6 months
Young Infant (6 through 12 months)
Does not point to familiar persons or objects when asked
By 12 months does not understand simple phrases such as "wave bye-bye", "clap hands" by listening alone
Infant (13 months through 2 years)
Is not alert to environmental sounds
Does not respond to sound and locate where sound is coming from
Cannot imitate and use simple words for familiar people and things around the home
Is not showing consistent growth in the understanding and the use of words to communicate
Two-year-old cannot repeat words or phrases and does not use short phrases when talking
Child uses gestures only to communicate
Child (3 years and older)
Speech is not like other children of similar age
Does not listen to TV at a normal volume
Seems unable to understand verbal questions or instructions
Do you often need to ask people to repeat what they have said?
Do you typically have trouble understanding a conversation or mishear people in a group or in the presence of background noise?
Does it seem that people are regularly not speaking clearly or are ‘mumbling’?
When watching television do you need to set the volume higher than other people to hear comfortably?
Do you become frustrated or even totally avoid some social occasions because there is too much noise, or you cannot keep up with the conversation?
Can you become tired or stressed after you have been listening or in a conversation for an extended time period?
Do you find you need to be close to the speaker at meetings, seminars, restaurants or in religious services to understand?
Do you need to maintain eye contact or see people’s faces to understand what they are saying?
Do you find it difficult to localize where sounds are coming from?
Have your family or friends questioned whether you have a hearing problem?